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Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25: Scootie Dog

This silly puppy.  He is the best dog in the world- he requires practically nothing of me besides refilling his food and water bowl (which Will does) and letting him outside every few hours.  Plus he's cute.  Scooter rediscovered some of his youth today and ran around like a wild dog playing with a toy.  The kids were a little stunned by it because I don't think they've ever really seen him like that before- it positively freaked Annie out.  He's a fun little pup and I'm glad he's in our family.


marciea casselman said...

Dogs add a whole new element to your family that cats can't even come close to. We love our little dog.

Amber said...

He's the freakin' cutest dog ever. I want to steal him.