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Monday, December 22, 2008

There is Humor All Around

Saturday night we had a very scary experience. I was going to bed and felt "wet" when I realized that I had been bleeding. We rushed to the ER at Davis North Hospital since we were at my Mom's. Everything ended up being fine. I guess that occasionally a pregnant woman will just bleed like that with no explanation (which seems absolutely insane to bleed that much with no explanation, but whatever. I'm just glad our little Drama Baby is okay). The nurses and doctor said they see it every day. It was really stressful at the time, but there were also some funny moments. Here they are for your reading pleasure:

-When Dr. Holley was doing our ultrasound and we were finally able to see the baby moving and the heart beating, Dallas decided that it was time for something else: "While you're down there, can you take a look and tell us what it is?" I laughed. The doctor just ignored us.
-After finding out that the baby was just fine Dallas says "Are you sure it wasn't just ketchup?" My reply, "I don't know. I meant to put it on my fries, but maybe I missed."
-A pregnant woman doesn't typically carry around pads with her "just in case". So, I got to wear a Huggies size 2 instead.
-E.R. nurses get crazy after midnight. Some even start acting like dying birds. It's true. I saw it with my own eyes.
- When changing into a hospital gown, don't change directly in front of the door. If someone opens it, everyone will be able to see in.


Kandyce said...

I'm just glad everything is ok! That had to be scary for a hot minute! I'm glad you were able to find some humor in it though.

Joy Boaz said...

Scary... I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Hope all is well. You are so lucky to have a good husband with a sense of humor.

Trent and Steph said...

Hang in there. Cort was the same way when I was pregnant with him. I bleed almost every month and it was enough to think I was going to die myself.

Nelson said...

Oh my glory!
Relieved to hear that everything is ok.
Loving your conversations, thanks for sharing.

sNick said...

I'm glad everythings Ok! I was just reading Elder Wirthlins talk because I'm teaching a lesson on it next Sunday, and I just have to say that it sounds like you're following all his advice. Come what may and love it! (Which, let's be honest, is missing a verb - it should be 'let come what may and love it!')

Ashley said...

Oh, Amy, you kill me! I love your humor!!! I am glad baby is ok too hun!

Troy and Heather said...

I forget to check your blog now that you have gone private. My blog doesn't tell me when you have posted anymore. So, I have been catching up on all of your posts. Will is a cutie. Love the potato head fun. Also, sorry about the ER experience. Hope all stays well with your little one. That would be scary. I am glad everything is okay.

angied said...

with this much drama its got to be a girl. :0)

Trent and Whit said...

Positive Polly, that's who you are! I love that about you. Here you had a scare-you-shi&*less experience and you come out laughing. Amazing!

Heidi said...

Man, this baby sure is giving you some good memories and it isn't even here yet!

Erin said...

It always amazes me how a million different things have to fall into place for a healthy baby, and that it really is a miracle every time. I'm so glad you are okay. Even though you are fine and found some funny things about the situation, I can't imagine how long that drive to the hospital must have been. Please have a safe and Merry Christmas.

stames_wiltz said...

I am glad to hear baby is doing ok and you are too!! So scary sometimes... But you in a size 2... That is so funny... To bad you couldn't find out what it was... Love you sis!!!

marciea casselman said...

Hey Amy,
I'm glad that little Drama Baby is just fine. I have had that happen to 2 of my pregnancies and I delivered healthy baby boys. Hang in there and remember where to put your "ketchup".

cole linnae said...

awww darling pregnant amylee! only you would refer to dangerous pregnant bleeding as misplaced ketchup.

Laurel said...

I bet Huggies did the job...We will be up at the end of this week. We should hang out. We will give you a call.