There is a blog that I read faithfully. I am not typically someone that would read some random person's blog, but I feel connected to this person (as I'm sure all of her readers do). Her name is Angie. She is probably the most incredible woman I have ever had the privilege to know. I really feel that way- like she is an old friend. I know one day I will meet her. Whenever I am having a bad day, I read, and it seems like my world shifts back into perspective. Today this is what I read:
"I have spent a lot of time crying in the last few days, and I would love to ask for your prayers. I know that this season (and many more to come) will have peaks and valleys. It's just that when you are in the valley, you feel like you won't ever come out. I think one of Satan's greatest schemes is making us feel hopeless because we don't have the strength to climb again. He doesn't want us to believe that God is our rescuer, that He can carry us. He wants us to feel like God doesn't see us, doesn't know how weak we are. He wants us to believe that our Father has left us, cold and without comfort. No flowers, no blanket, no parent. Just the night sky and the sound of silence. I know it isn't true, but I want to say it because I'm sure there are others who feel this way, and I want you to know that I understand."
As I read this I began to cry, and my little Will was sitting so impatiently on my lap trying to reach the computer buttons. He turned around and looked at my face and said "mess". In that moment I just grabbed him and didn't want to let go. He just let me hold him for a few minutes. I feel like I can do anything with him. My perspective is back.
Backyard: Check!
We are LOVING having our back yard done! Dallas worked tirelessly and his
brother Beau came from Logan several times to help us. We laid sod with the
9 years ago
I haven't commented for awhile - sorry. How have you been!? Your blog is darling as always. I appreciated your inspiring words as well as Angie's. God is there for us and I feel, as a mother, completely helpless without Him and His help. I am so ready to have this baby and she's coming sooner than we think (yes I'm totally contracting and progressing with signs of labor) She's not due until Aug. 7th but I just hope that she'll stay put for another week or so. Keep in touch! Your fam. is darling! That little cutey Will!!!
What a nice post. Very unlifting and I'm not being sarcastic as usual. Thank you for the fantastic cookies- now that's inspiring! Only three weeks until the new Stephenie Meyer book. Please don't move.
your a cry baby! I love you.
Thank you for putting a link to Angie's blog. I was so touched by this amazing family, as I spent way too long reading their blog.
I heart you. Plus, your new layout gives me warm fuzzy feelings. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!
I have to disagree with you...I think you are one of the best people I have ever met. You are stonger than you give yourself credit for. How about we both have the faith that things work out for a reason? Deal? Good!
I needed a little perspective today... so thank you for reminding me. I love you and am so excited for your families new adventures ahead. You will do great wherever you go and whatever you do because you are THE amazing Amy Lee. Love ya cousin!
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