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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy 70th Birthday, Grandma Kaiserman!

Last weekend we went to Afton to spend time with our Kaiserman extended family to celebrate Grandma Carolyn's 70th birthday. It was a riot! From water balloon volleyball to rocket launching and hiking, we covered it all. Some of my favorite moments were:

  • Great Aunt Linda saying, "Don't they call those mullets nowadays?" in reference to Uncle Brad's goatee.
  • When we were eating dinner on the deck and the cat came up with a gigantic mouse in its mouth to join us.
  • Aaron and Brad nailing Grandma K. on the shoulder with a water balloon.
  • Playing "Add On" on the trampoline with Sierra, Jordan, Kallie and Austin.

We can't wait for the next reunion. Thank you Kristie and Jenn for all of your hard work and for making this happen.


kalie said...

Looks like great fun! Tell a little bit more about your rocket launch... who won? I see you're reading Lucky! My friend read it and LOVED it, but just like a Jodi Picoult novel, I had to give myself a little time before I'm ready for another Alice Sebold book. You'll have to let me know how it is.

Trent and Steph said...

Looks like you had a fun family reunion.

The Harveys said...

Hello what's this a reunion? I wasn't invited- I'm ticked. Seriously though I think I have a tick from camping this weekend. Is it a credit card you're supposed to use or is that for a beesting I forget. Oh well, isn't lime disease good for you?

Nelson said...

Happy birthday Carolyn!
She is the best cook ever.
Sounds like a great time, you party animal.
BTW--On a spree, I too will be at John Mayer. Hope to see you there.

kathryn said...

Yay!! hahaa! I had totally forgotten about that mullet comment from aunt linda. Oh man, that killed. Good times were had by all!

Erin said...

Not many 70 year old grandma's could handle getting nailed by water balloons. I hope I'm that kind of grandma when I'm older. I'm glad you guys had so much fun. Life is easier when you get along with the in-laws. I feel like mine are basically my real family.