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  • Backyard: Check! - We are LOVING having our back yard done! Dallas worked tirelessly and his brother Beau came from Logan several times to help us. We laid sod with the hel...
    9 years ago

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We have listed our house. About a month ago Dallas and I made the tentative decision to move to Logan to finish our education at Utah State. Dallas wants to be a Civil Engineer, and they have a great program up there (and they don't have an engineering program at UVU at all yet). I have been really excited about the move, but the reality is finally hitting me.

I am so sad to sell our house. I absolutely love it. We have worked so hard for it, we have learned so much from it, and it actually feels like a part of the family. I'm going to hate to leave it behind. I just hope whoever moves in loves it like we do, and treats it well. (I make it sound like a family pet or something). The market is slow, so we aren't expecting to sell it fast. We probably won't actually make the move to Logan until next spring (the EARLIEST would be December).

With the move comes changes in occupation, a new ward, new neighbors, new house, new life really. I'm going to miss living so close to Grandma and Grandpa Kaiserman, and I will miss some of our new friends (especially Lindsey and McKenzie!). I have felt so overwhelmed and find myself crying sometimes because it's the only way I know how to deal with it. It's silly because I really do think it will be wonderful! All the same, change is just hard sometimes.


Ty and Laura said...

So Sad you are moving all the way to Logan and not coming to play in Cedar City and get an engineering degree with Tyler. :( Also I saw pictures from your fun Fourth of July on Cami's page...I don't blame you for having your child on a leash, that parade is nuts!

Laurel said...

I think our family might be the only family who is excited for your move. Change is hard, but it is also so much fun (especially if you live near the Hansen family).

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

I hope that everything works out well and is low stress. Love you.

Ashley said...

Logan will be awesome! I love it there. You will be closer to me now! I remember how you feel. I was very nervous to move here and have to make new friends and be even further from my family. Changes are always a great opportunity for growth and really exciting actually!

Ashley said...

I did not need to tell you that. You have always been such a strong person and I can tell you are still amazing. Thank you for all your inspiring comments on my blog.

angied said...

:0( maybe one day you can move back to heber.

The Harveys said...

This sucks.

Erin said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. It is bitter sweet. I know what you mean about leaving the house. I just feel like this is where my life really started, at least my family life. You can cry all you want, I lose sleep every night thinking about all that has to happen and all the changes. Like I said, very bitter sweet.

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kalie said...

Changes to life are good! Also, I love the changes to your blog. I have to say that I'm so glad I have the life I do--there are so many unexpected things I never imagined for myself, and I really think they've made me stronger and happier. Besides, I think you are probably the strongest person I know. You continue to inspire everyone whose life you touch.

kalie said...

BTW, I love your new layout!

Nelson said...

What! I was not prepared for this. We haven't even hung out yet (past blogging). You have to join me at the Jack Johnson concert. Let me know if your in.

Nelson said...

If there is a will there is a way. I will keep crossing my fingers you can make it.

Anonymous said...

Change is hard, but it sounds like this might be what you guys have to do for schooling. What a darling house. I love it! I bet you have so many memories. You'll look back and see it years from now and think that that's where your little man learned to walk and talk. I do that with ours in Santaquin. I AM SAD YOU ARE LEAVGING! You better come back! I had such a blast the other night!

cole linnae said...

as of august 19 i'm living in logan so..... you totally will have a permanent babysitter for whenever you want. thats a plus. i love you :)

Trent and Whit said...

What the?!?!?! That's great that you guys are going to Logan but sad at the same time! I had no idea that you were planning on doing that. . . If Heber was closer to the U, we'd buy your sweet house!

Trent and Steph said...

It will be an exciting time when you guys do finally move. I know what you mean about your home. I fell the same way about ours. Good luck on selling it.

Tobey said...

AMY! Confession: I have been blog stalking you! Okay now that I have admitted it I feel much better! I have been meaning to "comment" but just haven't. Sorry. I LOVE your blog. You are SO funny as always! You are BEAUTIFUL! Can you at least post one BAD picture of yourself? You are too darn cute! AND your little guy is adorable! What a cutie! Okay so sorry for the novel! Email me and I will invite you to my blog!
PS I LOVE Logan! I think you will love it! Such a fun place!!!! Rick lives there with his family....oh but you will probably still like it anyway (just kidding :) His wife is wonderful!!!!!)

Amanda said...

Amy, my love. How excited I am that you are moving to LOGAN!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! So now every time that I come home to visit my Motha' Jake and I will have some friends to kick it with!!!! YEAH!! So, how are you????? I absolutly adore you. Oh, and that post with the paragraph from "Angie" made me think about life. What a wonderful gift we have, even if it does come with some hills and valleys.