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Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Girls Allowed

I'm not sure what exactly happened on the "BOYS ONLY" camping trip that Dallas took Will on last weekend. All I know is they came back very muddy, tired, and Will told me, "We had a treat breakfast Mom! Pop tarts, gummy bears, and a Capri Sun!" So much for those bananas I packed.

I'm grateful I have a husband that is willing to do something that is a little inconvenient in order to please a 3 year old little boy.... even though he fed said 3 year old a "treat breakfast."


Nelson said...

Absolutely perfect.

sNick said...

Haha, I love it. Sometimes I feed myself "treat breakfasts".

kalie said...

OMYGOODNESS! Kevin will die with happiness when he sees this post. I don't want Isaac to grow up--EVER--but I guess it's okay, as long as he gets to do stuff just like THAT with his Dad.

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

I am laughing!!! Cute post. Your boys look like they had tons of fun, the girls probably would have ruined it for them :)

Tracie said...

I love that Dallas took Will camping on his own! It sounds like they had a blast and the treat breakfast is such a fun memory that will last forever. The little things can be such fun memories!

marciea casselman said...

Memories are created that will last forever. Love the muddy feet.