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Monday, August 16, 2010

And she WALKS!!! Finally!!!

Annie took her first steps on August 1st, however, she pretty much gave up after that one day- until yesterday! Annie finally started to really walk yesterday, August 15th, after church. She will walk across the room, turn around, and do it all over again. She is still pretty unsteady and hasn't figured out how to stand up in the middle of the room on her own yet, but it's only a matter of time. You can even see on her face how proud she is of herself.
Over the last few weeks she has also started to imitate language even more. She will try to copy most everything you say. She even says a few more words now- shoe, how, wow as well as uh-oh, no, Mom, Dada, and hi.
It seems like everyday her personality is showing more and more. She isn't as shy with people and will let strangers hold her in church (although she still loves the 2nd counselor in our bishopric, Dave Booth, more than anyone else). She is a little spicy these days- throwing tantrums and yelling at you until you get her what she wants- mostly this happens when it comes to food. The girl ain't happy if she's hungry!

I love this age and all the challenges that come with it.


Nelson said...

I am so proud of her!!
Love that she says uh oh. It puts a smile on my face.

Trent and Whit said...

yay Annie!!!!

Erin said...

Good job Annie Kate! It is crazy how much can change in just a few weeks. I'm not happy when I'm hungry either ;)

kalie said...

Yay, I am tre impressed! Last time I saw her, she was totally uninterested. Good job to Annie and Mom.

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Yeah! She is such a darling girl, oooh I love her. She looks so cute in her yellow outfit with her tan skin and blonde hair, cutie!

Heidi said...

Way to go Annie! Does she get her ornery-when-she's-hungry attitude from her mom or dad?

Tracie said...

Yay! She is so cute and I'm so glad she has reached her walking milestone. The flip side.... next comes the running away from you milestone :). It's a good thing you are trained to run around after her.

marciea casselman said...

Hallelujah! Now she will be feeling her oats and getting into everything. I love how babies walk with their hands out to the side...Alyssa did that forever.