Dallas is the quiet type. He doesn't speak his feelings very often, so when he does it is even more special. The other night we were watching the movie Premonition on TV. In that show a little girl runs through a sliding glass door and her face is cut up badly. Dallas started watching just after he saw the little girl and made some sort of exclamation like "Gross! What happened to her?" I told him what happened and then said, "Wouldn't it be so sad if something like that happened to our Annie's face?"
There was a short pause, and then in a very soft and serious tone he said, "Nothing bad will ever happen to Annie."
It was that first "over-protective father" moment that I had experienced with him. Dallas loves his sweet daughter. It has brought out a side in him that I have never seen before. He has always been tender with me, but with Annie it is totally different. He's always calling her "hon" and telling her how cute her little eyes are as he plays with her so gently. I love it. And she loves it. They have a very special relationship, and it's beautiful.