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    9 years ago

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

... and found!

Obviously I have found my dog. I feel kind of over dramatic now that I have him back. Yesterday in the space of the 6.5 hours that he was lost , I called the animal control, the 2 vets in Heber, had my friend Angie call the police to see if anyone reported hitting a dog (I couldn't do that one myself), wasted about 1/4 tank of gas in my jeep, went on 2 LONG walks, Dallas went on a bike ride, we printed up and put up 25 fliers, I posted on here just to make sure I was doing everything that I possibly could, and we went for another bike ride (in which we found him). I have caught someone trying to take him out of my yard before, so I was worried that was what happened. I figured if we started out early we would have a better chance of finding him, right? Now I kind of just feel like a freak... so, here's the story:

On our final bike ride we were going to turn around because we had Will and McKenzie and they were both saying they were "all done" and trying to climb out. I said we would just go up this last street. On that street there were some kids playing and I asked them if they had seen a dog. They said they had, and showed me where. There was a fence that was crossing a creek (the same one that runs by my house), and you could walk underneath the fence through the creek. So, Dallas waited and I just jumped in the creek and waded on up. Behind the fence on one side was a small garden with some stalks of corn, and on the other was a bunch of old cars and garbage (it literally looked like a dump back there).

When I was calling for Scooter I heard a little yelp. I called Dallas and told him to find a babysitter for the kids and to come back and help me look through all the garbage. I thought maybe something had fallen on him and he was trapped. I kept calling his name and walking up and down the creek to find where I could hear the yelp- that's when I turned around and looked in the little corn field. There was a white raccoon cage, and there was something in it- Scooter! I was beyond ecstatic. I called Dallas back and told him to stay home and that I would be back in a minute. I had to knock on the old man's door whose trap it was to help me get him out.

He was such a mess, but I was so glad I found him. When I rode back home with him following me (he was just on the other side of the block from our house), Will saw him and just ran to him saying his name. It was so cute! All afternoon he kept saying "Where'd Scooter go?" and carrying around one of the posters that we made with Scooter's picture on it. (That made me even more sad when he was lost). I gave him a bath and he drank a ton of water. We were able to relax after that and have a fun night with Will and McKenzie watching the Olympics. (Yay for Men's Gymnastics, Misty May-Treanor and Kerry Walsh, and Michael Phelps!!!)


cole linnae said...

awww :( its good you found him. when my dog runs out of the house, he tries to get lost so he can bite unsuspecting strangers.

Patty said...

I am so glad that you found your little dog. It is so scary because they are such a big part of the family. I am so happy that you do the pictures on your blogs so that we can see how the Nicoll family is doing. Will is so dang cute. Have a great week and maybe we will see you at the family reunion this weekend. bye now.

Ashley said...

What a funny story! I am so glad you found him. I cannot believe he got caught in a coon trap!!! We have lost our dog a few times- because she has gotten off her tie out and wandered off. Scooter is such a cute dog!

Cam said...

I'm glad you found him. Seriously, Amy, you should become part of the Utah Search & Rescue.

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

We are glad Scooter is home safe & sound. I have never know you to be dramatic :) I would have probably done the same. Drama is another Wilson genetic flaw.

The Harveys said...

Scooter- you scamp! What a crazy little dog he obviously doesn't realize how good he has it living raccoon trap free and all. I'm glad he came back.

Erin said...

Yay for finding him! I'm sure it felt like a part of your family was missing. That is super cute that Will ran to him. I too am addicted to the Olympics!

marciea casselman said...

I thought raccoon traps were for raccoons!! My neighbors have some raccoon traps in their garden to keep those little beasts away from their corn. So far, they have caught a magpie and 2 baby raccoons. The adult raccoons just reach in and grab the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches without even being caught. Too bad Scooter doesn't know that trick!

kalie said...

I love that picture of Will and Mackenzie. I'm glad you found your dog!

markolopia said...

I hate to think of what that mean raccoon trapper was going to do to scooter!

Nelson said...

The lost is now found, thank heavens!

Ashley said...

hey question- how or where did you go to find out how to include on your blog list the title and date of that persons last post?

Trent and Whit said...

Glad you found Scooter :)

Andrea Wilson said...

Hey Am, I'm so glad you found your dog. I had to laugh though, you are so funny. Although I'm sure the situation was not funny at all. Hey how was Breaking Dawn? I'm getting ready to read it as soon as my sis finishes it. Hope all is going well for you and yours. We send our love. P.S. Having a girl is so much fun and changes everything. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo glad you found him! And I don't think you acted irrationally...I TOTALLY would have done the same thing. He's like a family member. :)