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    9 years ago

Thursday, May 24, 2012


We have a very smart boy on our hands.

Will loves to read and will surprise me by telling me about "Organic Produce" from the flyer we received from Smith's, he creates levels for his race car drawing game and has written them out from 1-119 all by himself- without missing a number, he enjoys math and science almost as much as art, and he has learned to be a good friend.

While I can take some of the credit, a lot of the credit belongs to his incredible teacher, Katie Nelson, whom he has spent time with for the last two years.  He has learned so much and is so ready for the next step of kindergarten!

That night when I put him to bed after graduation, he said in his prayers, "Bless me that I will have fun in kindergarten tomorrow."  Poor kid!  He has been waiting for kindergarten since his best friends went last year, then when he turned 5 he thought he could go, and now he has to wait a whole summer!

He didn't know that in my prayers I said, "I'm grateful that Will isn't going to kindergarten tomorrow."  I'm just not ready to let go.  Not yet.

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