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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You need proof that Mom's are magic?

I can make Annie's funktastic hair go from this:

To this:

Without even putting her in the bath.
If that isn't magical, then I don't know what is. Take that, Disney.


Terra said...

WOW! You are tackle that with no bath. What a mom! Your kids are very lucky!

marciea casselman said...

I am amazed that you can even put a comb through that little rat's nest let alone make it smooth. You are magical!

kalie said...

Oh my. That is hilarious! Detangler, much?

Rachelle said...

Wow...that is quite the funny!

Heidi said...

LOL! That is awesome. She cleans up very nicely.

angied said...

wow that is some amazing bed head!

Erin said...

Hannah's hair looks just like that in the morning! Don't you love it? I've long been jealous of Annie's cute hair!

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Mom's are miracle workers! It makes me laugh, because I remember you telling me you were nervous to have a girl because you didn't know what to do with her hair. Now your a pro. Love you.

Trent and Whit said...

Now that is impressive. . .teach me your ways.

Tracie said...

Truly amazing the miracles you can perform with hair! Not to mention your baking skills and medal winning running. I am as always in awe of you!

Laurel said...

That bed head is one of the best I have seen! Well done Annie!