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    9 years ago

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was pretty amazed when I got out of the shower the other day and Will had completed a 50 piece puzzle all by himself. In fact, I was bragging about it. Well, yesterday he did a 71 piece puzzle, and this puzzle doesn't even have a picture to look at! Brilliant! I can't even believe how fast these little people's minds develop. I'm tempted to go and buy a 100 piece puzzle just to see if he could do it.


marciea casselman said...

That is pretty impressive, especially without a picture. You are raising quite the smarty-pants.

Erin said...

I'll bet he could easily do it! Smart boy. And yay for Annie's teeth. I hope she continues to sleep in spite of teething.

Trent and Steph said...

That is way awesome. What a smart little boy.