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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Praise You

Yesterday I was getting ready to head down Sardine Canyon when I passed a tree; it's limbs were extended, reaching toward the Heavens as if in praise of the One who created it.
How appropriate.
I was on my way to see my new nephew, Alex Nathan Hansen. He was born perfect. Beautiful. Healthy. I felt the need to praise my Father in Heaven. For healthy babies, and Moms. For the change of the seasons and the beauty of this great earth. For safety, security, peace, love.
I am in awe of His great power and His mercy. I cannot see a new life come into this world and not see His hand in it. How grateful I am for all He does for us. I will also raise my arms in praise of Him.

Cami and Alex Hansen

Alex Nathan Hansen
September 25, 2009, 12:28AM
7 lbs 5 oz, 20 1/2 in


Trent and Steph said...

He is beautiful. Tell your sister congrats!

Erin said...

Congratulations Cami and Nate! He's perfect. I've always admired that you are able to see the good in your surroundings. And you're right, I'm next!

marciea casselman said...

I agree. Babies are miracles and getting one here is a miracle too. Maybe one day it will happen in our family, just not to me. :)

sNick said...

I really liked this post...and am trying not to think about Fat Boy Slim. Sorry about the blister. It was purely for the shock factor.