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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When you're feeling down...

...sometimes fabulous things happen.
Brown Santa, aka the UPS man, will come and deliver your baby bedding.
Your little boy will play quietly for 2 hours while you zonk on the couch.
A friend will post an amazing recipe that you get to make.
A long lost friend will come for a visit and lift your spirits with pregnancy jokes, education system annoyances, and light political conversation.
Your hubby will pick you up from where you are sleeping on the couch and tuck you nice and safe in your bed.
Jillian will be named Bachelorette.
Your professor will forget you were supposed to have a long quiz on WWII and just give everyone bonus points.
There's an extra 1/2 hour of A Baby Story on TLC.
You will get to have play group with "the Wardies".
Your sister will go to her OB visit and find that everything is wonderful with her new little baby.
Your Mom will call to talk about that ridiculous Bachelor... (we will not mention his name).
Then you can sit back and realize, hey, life isn't so bad afterall.


blogarama mamma said...

Sounds fabulous. I need to get in on some of that action for sure. Is there some sort of pregnancy fairy I need to talk to?

Jenn said...

I wish that the "brown Santa" would deliver something fabulous to my house!!! Your baby bedding is adorable. Glad you are feeling better.

Erin said...

I'm so glad Jillian is the Bachelorette! I'm excited. I'm all sorts of jealous you got a good nap. Anytime I try to lay down Tyler jumps on me. It's wonderful the little things in life that make it all worthwhile!

marciea casselman said...

That quilt is enough to brighten anyone's day. Isn't is wonderful that we have little tender mercies like that from time to time to make us realize that life really is great?

Troy and Heather said...

I am glad you got the bedding. it is really cute. I am excited for Jillian to be the bachelorette as well.

Troy and Heather said...

I am glad you got the bedding. it is really cute. I am excited for Jillian to be the bachelorette as well.

Wendi said...

I'm glad your spirits are higher. Both Kait and Kass noticed Sunday that you weren't your happy self. They both love you dearly, as we all do. Hormones and impending changes take their toll. Kaitlin had Jillian pegged as the new Bachelorette too. I didn't take the chance to tell Dallas how nice his teeth looked.

The Harveys said...

My favorite thing of the night (besides Dallas noticing my ENORMOUS self) was the excellent soup! Good times.

Sam and Darcy said...

It's the little things that sometimes go by unnoticed/unappreciated. Thanks for the reminder! Glad you liked the soup. I am ready whenever you are to have Will over and give you a little "ME" time. Call me!!!

Terra said...

Your family is SO cute!! I can't wait to meet this cute little baby girl! I love the bedding by the way! Let me just agree with you about the Bachelor...hate him! But yeah I am so glad Jilian is the Bachelorette! I can't wait for Bunco...see ya there!

sNick said...

It's days like those when I have to say to myself, "How did I ever doubt?". PS, I yell in my car on occassion as well, especially after work.

Heidi said...

Love your baby bedding. I still can't decide on one...I like too many but I'm so cheap!!

I'm glad to know you have an occasional bad day. Every time I see you, you have a smile on your face.