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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Breaking up the Ordinary

***Small update: Will used the potty for the first time yesterday! Perhaps my goal of having him trained before the baby comes could actually be a reality.

So many times there are wonderful moments that break up the mundane-ness of every day life. Like these moments for instance:

On our way home from church I asked Will if he had a good time in nursery and if he was a good boy.
His reply, "I hit all of 'em."
"All of the kids?" I ask.
Luckily after talking with his nursery teacher I found out that this wasn't true and he was just saying it to get a reaction out of me. Stinker.

While waiting in line at the bank, a 40 year old man's phone rang. The song? Reading Rainbow Theme, "Take a look, it's in a book, Reading Rainbow!"

After a huge snow storm in Heber, there was a guy that was tediously sweeping off his astro-turf lawn. Mind you, we had at least 18 inches of snow.

My Directing professor at UVU (Dr. Petrie) referring to the President Elect as "Obambi", the wide-eyed fresh to the world president. (He said he was speaking in "symbolisms").

In other news, we think we found an apartment. We'll know for sure if we'll be moving in the next couple of days. If we do, we'll be in our new place the beginning of February! Hooray for having your own space.


Phyllis said...

How wonderful to see such beautiful smiles on all of you. Hope the new apartment works out. Love Grandma N.

Kandyce said...

Oh how I used to love Reading Rainbow. James and I were just talking about that the other day.

Joy Boaz said...

Your out look on life is so fun and positive. And sweeping snow sounds way more fun than shoveling it.

Rachelle said...

hahah Will! That is too funny!

Ashley said...

I love those obsessive neighbors who have nothing better to do than rake or shovel snow off their grass or shovel ice in the ROAD when it is just going to melt!

stames_wiltz said...

Look at Dallas's teeth.... Are those the temps? He looks Sooooo good even if those are just the temps...and he is smiling so big.. I am so happy he is able to get that done.. love ya tons and miss you!!

Erin said...

Obambi, huh. Gee, who do you think he voted for? Thanks for reminding me I need to see the positive, random, funny things each day!

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Love your creative post. I hope you get the apartment that you want. Thanks for the good laugh. Lots of love.

marciea casselman said...

Hopefully Will won't revert back to diapers when the baby comes. :) Kalie started sucking her thumb when Brock was born. That was a hard habit to break!!!
I have to say that I love the nursery comment. That is a kid who is always thinking...............

The Harveys said...

Oh, I do hope you get your own place! Then I could come over and visit with McKenzie...

blogarama mamma said...

Lilli tells me she hits kids too sometimes, but she is usually not exaggerating. We're working on our people skills. Will is a good boy and the potty thing is huge!

cole linnae said...


reading raaiiinbboooww