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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby Update

I had another OB appointment today and they scheduled the big ultrasound for February 23rd. It feels like a long time from now, but I'm sure once school gets under way the time will go by very quickly.

Everything went really well. I have finally started to gain weight- 3 lbs this month to be exact. The nausea has really subsided in the past 2 days and I'm hoping it's going to stay that way. The baby's heartbeat was really strong at 140 bpm (which is exactly what Will's was). I have been able to feel the baby move in the last week and it has been really fun. There's nothing like those reassuring kicks to bring a smile to your face.

Don't forget to take our poll- we can't wait to find out what we're having on the 23rd of February.


Nelson said...

The countdown is on.
Can't wait for Feb. 23rd

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

We are so excited for another Nicoll baby. Glad all is well with you. Lots of kisses and hugs.

stames_wiltz said...

its a girl. I know this because girls just make people sick... THATS RIGHT!!!! SICK I TELL YOU... SICK!!!

Love ya ;)

Kandyce said...

That's nice to know that the baby is doing well! I can't wait to find out what you're having! I'm hoping for a little Amylee!! Miss you!

marciea casselman said...

I am so glad that you are FINALLY starting to gain some weight!
It is quite a delight to feel the baby move inside...what a blessing to moms. Hang in there this semester.

Heidi said...

Fun fun! Can't wait to hear what you're having. I have yet to feel our baby, but the doc said I should feel it any day now.

Erin said...

It is such a relief to have a doctor's appointment go well, isn't it? That is awesome you've felt movement already. And, what time next Friday? I'm watching my cousin until just after lunchtime.

I don't know why, but my official guess is a boy.

Trent and Steph said...

Good to hear that the baby is doing well and that you are putting on weight.

Trent and Whit said...

I can't wait for Feb. . . we both know it's girl :) I'm jealous you can already feel your little buddy! what an awsome feeling! :) yay for good doc appt.

cole linnae said...

congratulations on gaining 3 pounds in one month... if this were a competition, i'd be the winner though. lets try 10 pounds in 4 weeks. huzzah

and its a boy, no duh.

blogarama mamma said...

Awesome, can't wait to find out. I say girl all the way, but I'll put that in the pole. I am the queen of weight gain during pregnancy with a whopping 10 2 weeks once or twice. Sheesh. Stupid 75 pounds to lose afterwards. Anyway, congrats. P.s. I rectified my serious oversight and have update 2 pictures on my blog of Isabell Avery. She is super cute, she just wasn't on my camera when I was emptying it for my blog! :)

The Harveys said...

Nice. :)

Jenn said...

You are right...the bachelor is beyond adorable! Too bad all of the girls are so needy and...well I won't say anything more.

Can't wait to see you next week!

Jenn said...

One more comment. Your floating baby freaks me out! :)

Troy and Heather said...

I think that you might have a boy, but most of all I want you to have a healthy baby. I hope your nausea stays away as well. I can't wait to find out what you are having.