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Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight- better than I anticipated.

**May contain some spoilers.

Yes. I was one of those people last night. Those who know me were aware that I had pretty low expectations for this movie. The trailers were cheesy and I couldn't figure out how they would make Edward's diamond skin not make me want to roll into the aisles laughing. Somehow, they did it; they exceeded my expectations. The movie was definitely not the best movie I have ever seen, but it also wasn't the worst (don't get me started on the latest Indiana Jones). Here are some points that I loved:
-Victoria. She was spot on for what I had imagined. She gave me chills.
-Jacob Black was so Jacob Black! I'm glad he had a few more lines so that we could see his smile and his fun loving and warm personality. (Can you tell I'm on team Jacob?)
-Alice. She was also perfect.
-Edward was much more Edwardesque than I thought he would be. By the end of the movie I actually really liked Robert Pattinson. (He's still not nearly as gorgeous as the Edward I had imagined, but who is???)
-Charlie. Yay for protective Dads and pepper spray.
Now for the things I didn't love:
-Waaaaaay too much of the creepy stares. You'll know what I am talking about if you have seen it. We get it. Your vampires. We are also supposed to be hopelessly attracted to you and not freaked out. Remember that.
-Remember how Bella wasn't supposed to be afraid of Edward? Well, she did an awful job of not acting scared during the scene where she confronts him on being a vampire. I blame the director. Hardwicke should have fixed that.
-Stephanie Meyer, I love you, but you are NOT M. Night Shyamalan or Alfred Hitchcock. Your presence took me out of the movie.

All that being said, I'm glad I went at midnight. If you liked Twilight you should definitely see the movie. I hope they make New Moon. I need more Jacob.


Nelson said...

Good to know. Good to know. I'm looking forward to seeing it soon.

Pete and Mare said...

great job, you know your stuff. i/m looking forward to seeing this movie with realistic expectations now,thanks.

Laurel Hansen Photography said...

I am going excited!!!

angied said...

i loved it! it was way better than i thought. i was not excited about the edward character at first but by the end i loved him!! im glad we went to the midnight show -- minus the annoying sappy audience.

The Beckstrom's said...

You couldnt have summed it up better than that!! I totally agree with everything you said...and yes I was one of "those Twi-Moms" last night too.

I loved it. I thought it was such a good addaptation...not perfect, but still better than I thought it would be.

We should go see it with each other again. Seriously!

The Beckstrom's said...

Give me a call and I will try to come with you! Are you off Friday day? Let me know. 593-0161

Joy Boaz said...

I also went with the swarms of women to see it. I totally agree with you. It was a good movie. Aaron wants to go see it with me just so he can know what was inside my head for 3 months!

Ashley said...

I totally agree with all of your comments. It was hard for me not to be skeptical but I loved it still and can't stop thinking about it.

KB said...

hahahhahahahh amy. i just got home about two seconds ago from the movie. yes, it was better than i anticipated too... and yes.. the long stares... kristen stewart never smiling....running so it looks like youre on the moon? not so hot. robert pattinson= very hot. especially at prom. i'd let him bite me anyday

Daniel said...

The Kissing Part isn't so great.

marciea casselman said...

ha, ha, I cannot believe all the differing opinions I have read and heard about this movie. I have heard good, bad, OK and everything in between. I haven't seen it yet though. Each of my daughters LOVED it. Hmmm.
I'll have to see it for myself.

Amanda said...

Ha ah ha ha ha!!! I have to admit that I laughed my guts out! I wouldn't say that I was dissapointed though. I expected it to be one of the most cheesiest movies of all time and indeed it was. I was annoyed by Edwards inability to speak English for the first 20 minutes of the movie. It was as if he had a hard time overcoming his British accent. Plus, isn't Edward supposed to be ripped (physically)? Not that I was out to see some eye-candy, but when they cut to his diamond glissening chest, that was flat as a pancake, I about died laughing! Oh, and when they were scaling the trees like "spidermonkeys" it took every ounce of power in me to contain myself! With how much I was laughing you would have thought it was a comedy!

cole linnae said...

amy... you know the kristin may post? well that was me. nicole. and i just barely realized it hahah

Wendi said...

Congrats on the new baby/motorcycle to be!!! We were expecting news like that soon.
I came away from the Twilight movie disappointed in myself that I wasn't more excited about it. Why did Edward have so much red lipstick on? Why wasn't Edward a little more buff, mind you not like Emmett but not so feminine looking. And what was with the hair?? I could go on and on--so I won't.

Erin said...

I agree with you on most parts. How about you and I go see it together? I would love to talk to you about it.

Nelson said...

Just saw. Loved it.
My expectations weren't too high-not sure if that helped-but I did love it.