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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thou Shalt Run a Ragnar

I just completed my 5th Ragnar!  How nuts is that?!  Just two years ago the Wasatch Back was my first race EVER.  My how times have changed!  For me, I feel like the Wasatch Back is the most challenging race that I participate in.  I love the hills, I love the difficulty of running in the elements, and I love doing it with great friends by my side.

Since this is my 5th Ragnar, I will share my 5 Ragnar Commandments:

1.  Thou Shalt Pack Light!  I sleep in my running clothes, and I take advantage of Ziploc bags.  However, you shouldn't follow my example of forgetting to pack a jacket.  Thank goodness my big sister continues to take care of me.
Van 1- Team "Stoked on Socks", Carissa Pugmire, Krissy Downs, Darcy Haas, Cami Hansen, Katie Cummings, and Me :)
2.  Thou Shalt Run Happy!  Smiles are contagious.  Feeling tired?  Smile.  Feeling sore?  Smile.  Feeling excited out of your mind?  SMILE!

Runner 1- Katie C.  She can run ANYTHING and absolutely crush it.
Runner 2- Carissa.  She may look like Athletic Barbie, but she is the toughest runner on our team.  She ran through her last two legs with IT Band pain.  I know what that feels like and I can't even believe she did it!  Amazing.
Runner 3- Darcy.  I love this girl.  She is the epitome of "Run Happy".
Runner 4- Cami.  My sister!!!  She worked so hard and deserved her finish line- and she got it!  She was also our van nurse and took good care of us along the way.
Runner 5- Krissy.  Holy runner IDOL!  She is a rock star.  She OWNED Avon Pass with an 8:30 pace and 82 kills.  Seriously.  This is even more amazing considering she lives in Washington and came in for the race.  You wouldn't even know how the altitude affected her.

3.  Thou Shalt Run Hard.  It's probably going to be hot on your longest leg with the biggest hill you've ever had to climb, so run hard.  You'll be proud of yourself if you do.
Run #1- 6.29 miles down Avon Pass.  7:10 pace, 39 kills (only passed by 1 guy at the end), and dropped 1,369 feet.
4.  Thou Shalt Get Out of the Car!  Everyone is tired, everyone would prefer to sit in the car and relax, but everyone loves a good cheerleader.  Everyone NEEDS a good cheerleader.  My own personal rule is that every time we stop to support a runner, I always get out of the van.  Always!  This is my favorite of all the commandments.  It makes you the best teammate, and your legs will thank you for allowing them to stretch and move.
We do spirit tunnels for our runners, and they are proven to help the runner run faster.  It's a scientific fact.

5.  Thou Shalt Rock the Night Leg.  I didn't get any night pictures this time, but the night legs are always the best.  Every time!  Maybe it's because it's finally cool out?  Rather than dread running at an obscene hour of the night, anticipate it!  I guarantee it will be your favorite run of the race.
This picture isn't from it, but here's the details from Leg #2- 8.2 miles up East Canyon.  8:18 pace, 64 kills, and passed by only 1 guy.  I felt so good and was able to finish so strong!  It was so dark and the sky was filled with about a billion starts.  I even had a team that was trying to recruit me.  I was wearing a green shirt and they called me the "Green Monster."  It was so fun!
Leg #3- 6.02 miles down Jordanelle.  7:35 pace, 31 kills, and didn't get passed!  I switched final legs because my sister's hip injury was killing her.  I took her longer leg, and she took my final 2.5 miles.
  My team was T.H.E.  B.E.S.T.  So proud of each and every one of them.  We finished in 33:53:32, and we had fun in every single one of those seconds.
Back: Krissy, Katie, Marcae, Heidi, Front: Audra, Breona, Darcy

I pushed myself harder than usual on this Ragnar, and it was great fun.  I'm way sore today- my quads and calves are both shredded.  I'm so happy with how I was able to run, and I can't wait to do one of these crazy relays all over again!

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