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    9 years ago

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sports- Take 2

Last year we put Will in T-Ball.  Let's just say it was... less than fun.  After attempting to help him hit, carrying him on my back to run bases, and dealing with some serious self esteem issues on his part, we eventually quit going.

This was after many, many attempts to help him feel comfortable.  We tried everything- from punishment to bribery- but nothing worked.

When Will said he wanted to play soccer, Dallas and I both had pits in our stomachs.  Please don't let it be anything like T-Ball.

The first game rolled around and I had to work, so Dallas took on the roll of "Soccer Mom."

Does he look excited?
They showed up to the game, the coach introduced himself, and Will did not want to come out from behind Dallas' back.  He cried.  He refused to play.  No amount of coercing from Dad, Coach, or teammates was going to change his mind.

They left after half time.

The next morning I pretended that Dallas hadn't told me anything about how the game went and I asked Will, "How was your game?!"

"Not good," he replied, "I didn't know anyone and I was scared, so I didn't play."

I talked to him about how I was going to sub for the coach at the next game, and that he knew me!  We talked about soccer all the time.  Miss Katie at preschool encouraged good sportsmanship and goals.  I bribed him with money- $1/goal.  Then we braced ourselves.


He got out on the field and played!  I was so proud of him!  For a kid that has never played soccer before- we don't even own a ball- he was actually pretty good!  He had a few disappointments when things didn't go as he had hoped, but after a few minutes to cool down he was ready to go back in and try again.  HE. DID. IT.  He played an entire game.  We were more proud of this than of the goal that he scored.

Last Tuesday's game went even better.  He got kicked in the face at one point, but he came out, shook it off, and even went back in to play the rest of the game.

William, we are so proud of you!

1 comment:

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Great job Will! We are so proud of you, keep up the hard work.