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  • Backyard: Check! - We are LOVING having our back yard done! Dallas worked tirelessly and his brother Beau came from Logan several times to help us. We laid sod with the hel...
    9 years ago

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


When you become a parent, it's a really good idea to let your kids do things that you always wanted to do, but were never allowed to do.


marciea casselman said...

Yes, I agree. Especially while they are short enough to not hit their head on the ceiling...

Hope your box springs survive. :)

Laura McAllister said...

Pure joy. They are so sweet.

Jen and Chase said...

So cute!

Trent and Whit said...

Love it!! Those pics are priceless! Can I come jump on your bed?

Andrea said...


Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Super fun! Next time you need to add some feather pillows ;)

Erin said...

I'm still trying to say yes each day to something I would usually say no to. This is the perfect idea.

I just LOVE your pirate treaure hunt. You are going to be the best preschool teacher!