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Thursday, September 1, 2011


Annie: Mommy!! Come and get him! He's scaring me!!! MOMMY!!!!

I ran in and opened the door and she handed me this:
She has been very afraid of monsters lately. She talks about them all the time. The other morning while I was doing my hair I could hear her say, "Here you go monsters..." and then I would hear something drop. I peeked around the corner and saw that she was throwing Will's shoes down the stairs through the slats in the railings. "I'm feeding the monsters," she says.

Annie doesn't love going down for a nap, but she definitely needs a nap. After I lay her down she typically cries for about 5 minutes or so, depending on how tired she is. Last week when I put her in her room, she got tired of yelling 'Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!' and resorted to 'Meow! Meow! Meow!' instead.

We love that precious monster fearin' kitten of ours.

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