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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You CAN have your cake and eat it too.

Will turned 4 today. The fact that I am even writing that sentence baffles me. You don't realize how quickly time flies until you have kids. It's odd because I don't really remember Will as a baby anymore- he just seems like he's always been my big boy, and Annie is the baby. At the same time, I'm quite certain that I just brought him home from the hospital.
We had cake, Cookies and Cream ice cream (Will's choice), and of course more presents to celebrate the occasion. This year Will requested a Thomas the Train cake. After crumbling one cake, and accidentally thawing the butter in the microwave for 5 minutes rather than 5 seconds, I am amazed that he got exactly what he wanted. I don't think it topped his Dinoco McQueen cake from last year, but I was still pleased with my mad cake skills. I hope my kids remember these cakes because, dang it, they sure take a lot of time and effort!

Will got a "Shark Attack" Hotwheels track and Bumblebee and Optimus Prime for his birthday from us and his Great Grandma Kaiserman. He also got a card from his Great Grandma Nicoll with $2 so he went to Smith's and picked out 2 blue Hotwheels cars. Don't you wish you could remember what you got on your 4th birthday?
We sure love Will and all of the funny things he says. He is the greatest. We sure love you, big boy!


Erin said...

So I absolutely love his face in the first picture. That is a boy truly in heaven about his cake!

Trent and Whit said...

You do have mad cake skills!

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Great job on the cake ,sis! The amazing part is you did it all with a preschooler hanging over your shoulder. Happy Birthday Will! Time has flown and you are growing up to be such a handsome sweet boy. We love you very much and can't wait to see you very soon.

marciea casselman said...

I love your cake. I think it is so fun to make and decorate cakes for little kids. I have done some fun ones.

Tracie said...

You do have mad cake skills girl! How fun for Will. Happy Birthday big boy.