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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Counting Down

Remember in elementary school when you would make those chains to count down until Christmas? It seemed to be eternally long (even though there were probably no more than 25 links), and every day was exciting when you got to tear one more off the bottom. We are looking forward to a couple of trips in the near future so we decided to make a count down chain. As a family we are going on our annual Moab trip at the end of this month, and in the middle of May I'm taking the kids with my Mom and we are headed to Florida for 10 days. Will couldn't believe that our chain was almost as big as me, and I couldn't believe how short it is. These trips are the kick off to summer, and I say BRING IT ON!!!


Joy Boaz said...

I am a big fan of paper chains for my kids. It is one of favorite things to do. Have fun on your trips!

marciea casselman said...

It's a great idea to make the idea of waiting more visual and easier to understand.

Nelson said...

so excited for you!