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Friday, July 17, 2009


Newborns aren't a walk in the park... add a two year old and things get even more interesting. I am doing pretty well handling the two kids, (at least I think so), but I have my moments (which usually happen on Wednesdays for some reason). Here are some things that have helped me cope over the last 3 1/2 weeks (I call them my tender mercies...):
  1. Everyone should have their best friend give birth within the same two weeks that they do. It makes for some great commiserating. Thank you Whitney. What would I do without you?
  2. Relief Society dinners- I love the girls in my ward. They bring so much food that I have really only had to cook like 4 times since I've had Annie.
  3. Moms. 'Nuff said.
  4. And sisters.
  5. Darcy Haas watching my boy on the day when I would happen to need to sleep in more than anything. You are an angel!
  6. Sugar cookies. You know who you are!!!!
  7. A little boy that loves his baby sister more than he loves his favorite cars... and that's saying something.
  8. The fact that Will still takes 1.5-3 hour naps in the afternoon. I know, you are all jealous.
  9. Prayer. Wow. Lots and lots and lots and lots of prayers.

And last, but certainly not least....

10. Dallas. He takes such good care of my kids and me. Even with a full time job and a killer trig class. I love you.


Trent and Whit said...

Hang in there friend! I'm glad we have each other :) love you!

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

You are a wonderful mom. You have adjusted to having TWO kids so well. Your babies are darling and I love every chance I can get to see them. Love you tons and see you soon!

Ty and Mari said...

I am prepping myself! I know newborns are hard and I am a little nervous to have an almost 2 year old to help me out! But I do have a best friend giving birth about 2-3 weeks after me! I am grateful for that! Any other tips you have of "coping with tender mercies" let me know!

You are a great mom! I am sure you handle everything so much better than you think!

Ashley said...

Oh, you are such a great mother! I wish I could help you out with something. It would make me happy to see you. And you have so much gratitude for the big things and the small things!

Erin said...

I was just thinking that Heavenly Father isn't going to leave you to your own after having a baby. It speaks volumes to you that you recognize the blessings he is sending your way.

And you forgot to mention on your list delicious homemade banana nut bread ;)

marciea casselman said...

I think that having a newborn is one of the seriously most difficult things to deal with that I have ever done. Why do you think I just had 4 children? Add on to that the fact that all of them screamed their little faces off and I'm surprised I had that many.
I'm glad that you have coping mechanisms.........keep usin' 'em.

Cam said...

That birth (the previous post) sounds absolutely crazy! I'm glad everybody is okay.

Andra said...

I think I messed up being able to see you when you were here. Was I suppose to call you? I will call to find a day to come see you and my Annie.
love you