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Monday, February 16, 2009

Matters of the Heart

It's time for me to blog about something very serious... The Bachelor. I'm not gonna lie- I'm typing this right after my favorite person was kicked off. I'm a little upset. And emotional. (I'm pregnant, I'm allowed). I shouldn't be surprised; after all, they never pick the person I like. Jillian. She was amazing! I feel almost as mad as when DeAnna didn't pick Jason. Then I started thinking, who would people have picked for me? Who were they rooting for in my dating history?

Family and friends all had their favorites (only made apparent to me last week again as I found a box of old letters and notes people had given me). What would my life be like if I had let my sister choose for me? Or my friend Andra? I'm here to tell you that it would have been very different. I am so glad I was able to choose for myself. Dallas is the most incredible man I could have ever dreamed up for me. No one else knew exactly how I was feeling when I was dating and falling in love with Dallas. I had to go with how I felt, not what everyone else thought.

So, here's to Jason- I hope he finds someone because I do think he deserves it.

And, here's to Jillian, may you be the next BACHELORETTE!

Yes, this post is all in good fun (with some truth added). Besides that, I don't even have to feel guilty in watching it anymore because my Mom watches too!!!


Joy Boaz said...

I missed last nights episode.. and now I'm glad! She was my favorite too, but you do have a good point to the whole thing. Funny how we think we know who is right for someone and it isn't really ours to choose.

Gotta love reality T.V. It get's me every time.

Erin said...

I was totally sad when she left last night. She was my favorite too. I hope she's the next Bachelorette!

What I want to know now, is who do you think he'll choose? Molly or Melissa? Hmmmmm....

Nelson said...

Watched last night for the 1st time. It was entertaining.
I too am glad we get to pick for ourselves. Have I ever told you about being in a bathroom stall and over-hearing a family members opinion about my choice? She didn't know I was there, so it made for a fabulous experience. If I haven't told you the details, please remind me.

Heidi said...

Jillian and Molly are my two favorites so at least I still have one person to root for. The whole reality T.V. dating thing does make you appreciate the idea of being able to choose who we spend the rest of our life with.

angied said...

i like melissa the best so im still happy! but i did like jillian better than molly so i was pretty disappointed when he sent her home. i was thinking the same thing about jillian being the next bachelorette though! i think she would be perfect. unless he doesnt pick melissa then i hope shes the next one.

Wendi said...

I agree--i was rooting for Jillian. But----what's going to happen when DeAnna pops in next episode? Hope all is well with the three and almost 4 of you!

marciea casselman said...

Interesting about your family and friends reaction to Dallas. I had a similar situation to you when I wanted to marry Boyd. My mom didn't really like him all that much. Thankfully he has redeemed himself in her eyes and she has discovered that he is the best for me after all.
And I must admit that I have never watched an episode of the Bachelor. Sorry. I still am a huge AI fan,however.

*~Sarah~* said...

I thought of you and how mad you must be when he voted her off. Sad for you but im just glad melissa is still in hehe!
p.s. I thought I was the only one who craved arby's mozzerella sticks while pregnant. That made me laugh!

Ty and Mari said...

Oh I am OBSESSED with this stupid show! I don't like Jillian as much as you do, but I do like that Jason cried when he told her good-bye. I think it is nice to know that it really is hard for him and that it isn't rigged! But here is to the FINALE! I am STOKED to watch it! Can't wait for the crazy little twist of Deanna coming!

Jenn said...

Your MOM watches??? Wow. You know we couldn't watch this with Carolyn! Hahaha. I hope that Jillian is the next Bachelorett. She is gorgeous. Anyway...wish you were here to play Diamond Scrabble with me!

Ashley said...

I was so surprised to see her go too! Aren't you anxious to see what the heck DeAnna is going to say to Jason next week!!! I have a feeling I'll be mad.

Andra said...

Just for the record, I would have picked Dallas for you had you bothered to introduce him to me and tell me you were engaged. I had to find out you were getting married through your florist.
Not cool.