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    9 years ago

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Done and Done

I bought it (the one from Target)! And the matching blankets... I couldn't help myself. Plus, I had a gift card from Christmas that was burning a hole in my pocket.

Just some small updates that I wanted to document:
  1. Will spelled his name yesterday! We were coloring and we finished a page and he took his crayon and was trying to write something small at the bottom, then he said out loud "W-I-L-L-L". So he put an extra "L" at the end- he's not even 2 1/2 and he's brilliant :o).
  2. I forgot to note that after the ultrasound the tech said that the baby weighs 1 lb 2 oz already. Don't you think it's such a miracle how quickly these little babies develop.
  3. Jason is going to pick Melissa. That's my final prediction.

And here are some cute pictures I wanted to share. Will got bubble bath for Valentine's Day; it was especially fun because he'd never had a bubble bath before. He loves it! The other is my cute niece Lauren at her birthday party. We gave her a Cinderella bath doll, and she couldn't wait for the party to end before she tried it out- so cute!


Nelson said...

Spelling his name already! His is brilliant.

Jenn said...

Go Will!!!

Jenn said...

P.S. I am glad that your baby is cuter than the floating baby you have on your blog! xoxo See you this weekend!

Erin said...

That's impressive. He needs to teach Tyler his colors. Tyler thinks everything is either blue or black. Hhhmmmm....

As for the Bachelor, I hope he chooses Melissa and that is work out. Who knows? I'm excited though!

Rachelle said...

Love the baby decor! It will look so cute!

Trent and Steph said...

The bedding from Target is so cute. It will look so good with the pictures. I can't wait to see it all put together. Way to go Will. That is awesome witht he whole name thing.

Nate, Cami and Crew said...

Glad you bought that bedding set-very cute. I love the flowers. What a smart kid, Lauren only gets the La and r. Love you tons.

The Harveys said...

I really need to remember that I have to check your blog and that it won't be updated in my "roll"! Do you realize that the first bedding pick #1 is what is in McKenzie's room right now? Great minds think alike. :) I love the one you picked from Target- so cute and I can't wait to see it. Will is a genius I already knew that. Love lots.

marciea casselman said...

Good for you. I think you will enjoy the blanket and bedding set. It's so fun to get things like that for our babies.
And as for will spelling his name...that's impressive. I think kids today are getting smarter and smarter all the time.

kalie said...

You guys make cute kids. I can't wait to see little girl.