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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Uncanny Resemblance

I believe that watching all of this political coverage may be making us see things; or does this tractor have an uncanny resemblance to John McCain? You decide 2008.


Tyler and Laura said...

Tyler and I are going to be John McCain and Sarah Palin for Halloween. We are still looking for a pregnant daughter to follow us around and keep smiling in all the pictures!

angied said...

haha that is so dang funny!

Trent and Whit said...

Wow. . . no words. . .did you see the SNL skit about Palin and Clinton? I peed.

Cam said...

I think the resemblance is uncanny, not to mention the IQ...

Anne Pearson Photography said...

Don't know if you remember us...The Pearson's...across the street neighbors! Anyway, so glad you sold your home and closed. Good for you guys! I hope that all is well. We live up the street from where you guys are staying now...and I'm pretty sure I almost pulled out right infront of you the other day. Yikes...thanks for honking. I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant and probably shouldn't even be bellies so huge. Just wanted to say congrats on the sale and good luck with whatever your plans are in the future. (We clicked over from Sam and Darcy's blog...hope you don't mind!) I'm lovin the resemblance of the McCain and tractor! TOOOO FUNNY!

Erin said...

You make me laugh! Although, I do see a few similarities. That's weird.

Joy Boaz said...

It's the jaw line that makes him look like a bulldozer toy! You are so clever. When are we going to play? You better call me when you are down so we can see you. Love you cuz.

The Beckstrom's said...

Oh Amy...if I could see through your eyes!