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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trouble! Right here in Heber City!!

It starts with A and rhymes with glee and ends in "nie"- that means Annie.

Trouble turned 18 months yesterday! As I write this she's walking around the living room with a snow hat covering her eyes. That girl.

Annie is picking up language fast lately with new phrases like "all clean", and "yuck-yuck". She mimics us constantly and has turned into a little jabberwalkee.

One week ago today we got rid of her binky... and that means we got rid of good sleeping as well. Annie rarely naps (and if she does it is short lived) and she is up at 6AM. I'm praying that she goes back to her old sleeping habits soon. I miss that down time in the afternoon!

She has become picky and independent- which means she is even more stubborn that before. I like to think that she will just be one of those women that sticks to her guns later on in life.

Annie loves her family, her grandmas, and our neighbors Grace and Sariah, and Morgan (even though she tortures him and can take him down, despite the fact that he's practically twice her size. She loves playing with kids- especially Will and his buddies. She's even started tattling already; if Will does something wrong or mean she'll come and find me, yell "Mommy", and point in Will's direction. It cracks me up. She's such a girl.

We look forward to better communication, but most of all NURSERY!!!! Church just got a whole lot more enjoyable :).

Annie Kate, you are the greatest gal in the whole world. You make me smile, make me laugh, and make me better. I'm so glad you are mine.

Height: 32 in (60%)
Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz (12%)
Head: 47.5 cm (80%)


Leslee said...

I can't believe she is already 18 months! I am happy for your Sundays!! I can't wait till that day. We have been slackers lately and I dread next years 1-4 schedule.....Right in the middle of nap time! Those Big Brown Eyes get me every time!! She is so stinkin Cute! I miss you guys! Can't wait to see you soon. Love you!

Ty and Mari said...

I have been told once that the things that may drive them now are things that will drive them later in life! Way to think of the positive with determined little children! I think I have one of those on my hands as well! Merry Christmas!