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Monday, May 4, 2009

32 Weeks

I wish I had something more interesting/funny to post, but in all honesty our new baby is pretty much all that is on my mind these days. I'm now 32 weeks, and this morning while I was walking my hospital called to pre-register me for delivery.
Seriously?! I still have awhile, but at the same time, I can't believe I'm close enough to necessitate "pre-registration."

I guess I am past the monthly appointment phase and on to bi-weekly.
I am definitely past the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy and I'm feeling the aches and pains in my pelvis and ribs... and throat from heartburn. (Let's hope that heartburn means our baby girl will come out with hair like her big brother did).

I also have a tendency to lose my balance- on a flat surface none the less... and at that it is usually in my kitchen. (Good thing it is small and if I fall a counter or fridge will catch me.)

As for the little things that add happiness to my life and keep my mind off of the baby for at least a few minutes:
  • Dallas and I are both done with school for a few weeks! Dallas returns June 24th (yes, 5 days before I'm due), but it's only for one class so hopefully he won't be slammed.
  • This weekend is Girl's Day with my Mom and she's paying for massages and lunch. Really, I couldn't be more excited for this! Mom, and sisters, and massages; all is still right in the world.
  • I still feel like I'm holding my breath on this, but Will is potty trained! It's a miracle really. He's had one accident in the last 4 days, and has finally gotten the hang of going #2 in the potty. (Joy, your days are coming, I just know it!!!!!)
  • Thank goodness that we've actually had some new episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Who else can't wait for the 100th episode of Grey's this week?
  • I love free Redbox Mondays.
  • My sister finds out if she is pregnant with a boy or a girl in just 2 days... now I just need to convince her to spill the beans to me because they are going to keep it a secret.
  • Cub Scouts. I love my calling. Nine year old boys aren't so bad if seen for only one hour/week :o). Plus I have the best partner in the world!
  • Grades should be posted by the end of this week................. I hope I still have a 4.0.
  • Lastly, our weekly family activities. Dallas and I planned a list of things we want to do as a family for every week until the baby comes. Last week was the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point, and this week is the Hogle Zoo. Below are pictures from last weeks adventure:

This is probably the best belly picture I have right now- it was taken on Saturday.
Will thought we were going to the Dinosaur ZOO. He was frightened a few times and I had to tell him we were just seeing bones and no real dinosaurs.
This fake dinosaur scared the soup out of my little man. It took much coercion to get him to stand by it for a picture.

T-Rex and some handsome boys.


The Harveys said...

The Dinosaur Zoo- classic.

cole linnae said...

i know that me and you both have only been waiting for the wedding episdoe for five seasons!!

*~Sarah~* said...

Yay for you on being 32 weeks!I will say it again and many more times... I wish I were you. I love the look on wills face in the pic with you holding him! And... I especially love the color of your shirt! lol
I cant wait for grays anantomy this week either!
Tomorrow I get to post that im 20 weeks YAY!!! I cant wait

Rachelle said...

I cant believe you were at Thanksgiving POint and didnt even call me! Just kidding! However, if you are ever down that way again you HAVE to call me! Little Will is so handsome!

Joy Boaz said...

My Zachary is fully potty trained and I haven't stooped celebrating it!! Oh the glory of him pooping in the toilet. Yay for Will, what a big boy!

I'm so excited to see your beautiful new baby girl! Hang in there Mama...
Love ya!

Trent and Steph said...

The Dinosaur Museum looks like a lot of fun.

kalie said...

Congrats on being so close! Your pictures are all really cute. :)

marciea casselman said...

I think it is a wonderful idea for you to have activities every week to help the time until delivery go faster. It gives you something to look forward to and will sustain you in those times when babies are all-consuming.

The Beckstrom's said...

You are such a cute pregnant lady!! Missed seeing you at Tyler's farewell, but such is life!!

You are so close to having the baby too!! Im jealous Im not as close!! I hate being preggy!!