I know I already posted today, (I also know that you know that I'm addicted to blogging, so it's not like I have to try to hide anything!) but my friend Laurel sent me this cute picture of our family. We went shooting with the Hansen family (Billy, Laurel and Hank- sweetest baby ever!) on conference weekend. It was fun, and cold, and frightening, and muddy... thanks for capturing the memory Laurel!
And then there's this fabulous picture of Edward and Bella from the upcoming movie Twilight. I would say that Robert Pattinson is looking very Edwardesque. However, Kristen Stewart looks too hot to be Bella! Don't you fans agree? I pictured her beautiful, don't get me wrong, but more of a natural beauty than a check-out-my-eyeliner beauty....

I am dying about this family picture! You guys are the cutest ever. And yes: Bella is too "hottied" up, but it's Hollywood, and I'm dying to catch more glimpses into the movie!
Am I the only person alive that hasn't read these books? I'm getting started the day school ends....
P.S. there are too many stupid people and they use too many stupid words. I love you Dwight!!!
I think Edward is not as hot as my mind thinks he is. Oh well. I think she is a perfect Bella, but in that picture she is way too eyelinered out and done up. I am going through Twilight withdraws, I might re-read them.
As they say, the more the merrier. I enjoy your posts Amy. Every time I go to a blog and see a new post I am always excited to read what's new. In response to the Harvey's comment, no you are not the only one alive who has not read these books; I have not either, so that at least makes two of us:)
I am not that thrilled about Edward and Bella. In my mind he was cuter...and Bella more a natural beauty like you said. Oh well. Like all books that are turned into movies...the book is usually better. I love your family picture. You guys are so cute.
you are so funny! and no worries, I am addicted to blogging as well! What a cute family moment captured
absolutely agree!
I love twilight and I haven't seen that picture yet! LOVE IT!
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